HOLIDAY CASH FROM CONCERT BANK GIVE The Holidays are near and what a way to start shopping with a extra cash, thanks to Concert Bank! Enter for a chance to
HOLIDAY CASH FROM CONCERT BANK GIVE The Holidays are near and what a way to start shopping with a extra cash, thanks to Concert Bank! Enter for a chance to
Different Styles of Poncho Capes Cool weather is coming and time to make sure you have warm clothing. I was given a great complementary opportunity to test and try these different
Celebrating their 73rd Wedding Anniversary Today my beautiful mom and handsome dad are celebrating their 73rd wedding anniversary. While my dad was home on leave from the Army, he CAVE TOOLS Fish Basket Fish is one of my favorites, especially salmon. I prefer to cook my fish on the grill because it not only seems to taste
Faced With Adversity Definition of adversity: a difficult situation or condition, misfortune or tragedy I am two weeks into the Ultimate Blog Challenge and for today’s suggested blog post, it’s to