MANDISA OUT OF THE DARK CD Give-away Promotion!! Mandisa wrote her song “Overcomer” in 2013 to encourage her close friend Kisha, who was battling breast cancer.
MANDISA OUT OF THE DARK CD Give-away Promotion!! Mandisa wrote her song “Overcomer” in 2013 to encourage her close friend Kisha, who was battling breast cancer.
AWESOME LED LIGHT BOX I love this awesome LED Light Box! It’s so easy to use, just attach the USB cable that is included with the light box
Block at Orange Guitar Center Block at Orange is home for Guitar Center and not only sells new and used equipment but it also has in-store promotions. Their studio has
FLAT STANLEY If you have children or grandchildren in 1st grade, chances are you have heard about Flat Stanley. If you aren’t familiar with him, he’s like a paper
Raised Bed Vegetable Garden We have a small raised bed garden and sometimes we plant vegetables and other years we turn it into a flower garden. This year it’s