Sewing Secrets
Sewing Secrets Can you keep a secret? Sometimes people say, “I know a secret but I’m not telling”, while others just can’t seem to hold on to it. Well today
Sewing Secrets Can you keep a secret? Sometimes people say, “I know a secret but I’m not telling”, while others just can’t seem to hold on to it. Well today
A Rose is a Rose Wordless Wednesday A rose is a rose and our gardens are becoming so colorful! ************** Our roses are slow this year because of the
Use Your Imagination I love adding pictures to my blog but today I am going to write a story without adding any at all. It’s up to you to use
WHAT HAPPENED TODAY IN HISTORY I thought it was interesting to find that today, Monday, April 16th is the 106th day of the year when it’s not a leap year
Are We There Yet? I remember when I was young I would always ask my dad, “Are we there yet?” when we would go visiting. The answer was always the