Wordless Wednesday Unedited
Have you ever taken a photo and when you view it you notice something unique or different? For Wordless Wednesday Unedited, each of these photos were taken with my Google
Have you ever taken a photo and when you view it you notice something unique or different? For Wordless Wednesday Unedited, each of these photos were taken with my Google
Do you like freebies and sweeps? How about great deals on products and delicious recipes? Today I’m sharing my friend’s blog, Babybear’s Freebies, Sweeps and More with my readers. My
I was chosen to host a Tryazon party for Samucol Black Elderberry and it was interesting to see and try their products. The guests were excited to learn about the
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY PRINCESS LIA FAITH!!! You have sent so much love and joy to so many people, some you don’t even know have been affected with your beautiful smile.
Do you know what Lia’s twelve day countdown – day 11 means? It means that there is only one more day until Princess Lia Faith with be a year old