Ask Away

Ask Away
The Ultimate Blog Challenge is on Day 15, we are half we through the month! I like checking the suggested topics for the host of the Challenge and today I am going with that! Did you know today is AMA or Ask Me Anything day? It’s a day when my readers can ask a question about anything. You may have a question about how or when I started blogging, what my favorite blogs are or you may even want to know more about the blog challenge. Most of my readers know my hubby and I own and operate an interior decorating business, maybe you have a question about that or something about sewing. What ever your question is, just ASK AWAY and I’ll try to come up with the perfect reply. But that’s not all, if your question needs to go more in-depth with an answer, I just may take your question and turn it into its own blog! How cool is that to have a blog written about your question!

I’m also adding a second part to my blog which was yesterday’s suggested topic to share our social sites so readers can connect to them. If you connect to any of mine, I will get a notification and connect back to you! This is a great way to get more exposure to your social sites.
This is a Facebook page where I share awesome shopping deals, freebies and give-a-ways that I find:
Get your thinking caps on, come up with a question and leave it in the comments. If you have a question about some of my other sites that I have links to, now’s the time to ask. What ever it is, ASK AWAY and I will come up with an answer!
I will have to ask! What is your favorite thing about doing the Ultimate Blog Challenge? You keep coming back each and every time… what is the draw for you?
Hi Paul, great questions! First my favorite thing about doing the challenge is meeting now bloggers and reconnecting with previous ones each challenge. Yes, I’m like that old shoe that keeps appearing from the back of your closet, I keep coming back because I LOVE a challenge! Once I start something, whether it be this challenge, a new and different project at work or trying something new, I don’t quit until I have accomplished it. I get so excited at the end of each challenge when I have completed it and when the next one starts, I feel the need to join in again. It’s like some of the earning sites I’m on… they have daily goals and at the end of the month, if you make goal everyday, you get an additional bonus of $3.00. It’s not so much the extra few dollars that makes me work on the daily goal, it’s the challenge in it, I have never missed the bonus May 2013! So I guess that’s my draw, the great bloggers, your super daily suggestions, the need to be challenged and the challenge of keeping my brain going at almost 70 years old!! Thanks for stopping buy and although I don’t like to stumble, I’m so glad I stumbled on to the Ultimate Blog Challenge Janaury 2016!
Hi Martha,
How long have you been blogging? What do you like best about it? What is most difficult for you?
Hi Amy, thanks for your questions. I started my blog on Christmas Day 2015. I was doing a lot of product reviews and when I mentioned it to my grandson (who is a wiz at blogging) he went to get is laptop and starting setting up a site for me. The rest is history. LOL As I started writing other topics, I added more categories and from there it just seemed to mushroom into something that I loved to do after work, it was my way of “chilling out”. I am the kind of person that if I come up against a challenge or problem, I will sit and work on it until I figure it out so what might start out as a difficult problem is forgotten once I figure it out! Thanks so much for asking about my blogging!
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