Another Silly Saturday Story

Today is Silly Saturday thanks to my blogger friend Kebba who came up with this idea. Silly can be funny and silly pictures, a silly quote or even a silly story. Today I’m sharing another Silly Saturday story.

My daughter and son-in-law gave me a beautiful set of flatware for Christmas. I was excited to remove the old and put in the new. I cleaned out the drawer and ended up with three small boxes that the new flatware was in and since I had a ton of plastic spoons and forks in the drawer I put them in one of the smaller boxes to store for when needed.

It was then that Chris told me that Alli uses plastic ware for her children all the time so I came up with the idea to fill the inner boxes with plastic and give to Alli. Then Bryon came up with this idea. He took two plastic forks, a spoon, a knife and to fill the fifth spot he added a spork, Then I got as many plastic spoons and forks that I could find and he filled two the the smaller boxes. What to do with the third? We filled it with napkins! I like to come up with “unusual gifts” but then have something totally different inside the box.
Chris started laughing and said she couldn’t wait until Alli opens the box, she figured Alli would text her and ask why gram gave her plastic ware. Chris had concocted a story about me not having a good year, getting older, I couldn’t get out shopping, money was tight, etc. and was going to tell her to just say thank you. It was all Chris, Bryon and I could do to keep a straight face and not burst out in laughter when Alli opened the box.

Alli opened that package and with a big smile she said, “Oh I love plastic forks and spoons for the kids.” I looked over at Chris, we both shrugged, where was the text that we thought Alli would send? So I told Alli to open the box and she says, “Oh that’s right you like to put something else in boxes.” As she opened the individual boxes she was overjoyed to see all the plastic forks and spoons. She thought that was really her gift! So again I looked at Chris, the joke was on us, not Alli! Now we all started laughing as we told Alli what we thought she would do and she said, “why would I do that, I love plastic ware!”
After everything was opened Chris gave Alli one last gift, it was a box of the same flatware that she gave me but Alli was still excited over the plastic ones. I told her I know what to get her next year and I’m already saving a stash of plastic forks and spoons. LOL
I hope my Silly Saturday story about plastic ware made you laugh and now go and enjoy your weekend!
For those who like Silly Saturday Pictures I found this one!

Okay just one Silly Saturday photo, it popped up on my FB Memories last night! Lia was 5 months old and she always had the biggest eyes. I like to make comments about my pictures and my comment for this was right on!
Do you know the videos parents make of children while they’re opening “crappy gifts” such as a head of broccoli or a kitchen sponge and then they have a meltdown? I can’t remember what it was, but one adorable kiddo was genuinely happy about what she got, and there went the video opportunity 😂
Lia was born a cutie, and she still is 💖
LOL that’s about how this one went Tamara! The joke was on Chris and me, Alli loved them. Also shows what a super granddaughter I have and how she loves whatever she receives.
That’s funny. Even funnier that she through it was her actual gift. What a cute story!
My daughter and I were totally shocked with her excitement over plastic forks Barbara!
This post had me cracking up! Sometimes you just need a little silliness to brighten the day, and this hit the spot. Thanks for the laughs—it’s the kind of humor that sticks with you and makes everything feel a bit lighter.
We definitely all need some silliness from time to time Faith. This made my Christmas a bit better.
Such a fun story! Alli’s love for the plastic ware made it even better. Thanks for sharing!
Yup, the joke was on Chris and me Jasmine! Who would think someone would be so excited for plastic ware. But then again, she doesn’t have to wash dishes if she decides to toss them. She will be getting more next year. LOL
Martha, I love this! I get salads from Salad N Go, and I always click “no fork or napkin”. And they always give me a lovely orange fork. So now I collect the forks, and now and then I take them to the church’s coffeehouse, where there are never enough forks. 🙂 I love how you packed them as gifts– just perfect! I’m giggling. Also, your new metal flatware is lovely.
That’s a great idea Kebba! So many places can use them how perfect for the church’s coffeehouse.
I love how the gift for plastic ware turned into the perfect gift. Charlie and I would be happy to receive those because we wouldn’t have to wash dishes. Anytime we go out to eat we try and bring silverware and straws home but more times than not they end up in C’s room for him and his friends to use. He has set up a kitchen/ ,living room in his bedroom.
It was so funny Glenda, here Chris and I thought she would wonder way plastic ware but she was so excited! LOL I’m saving up for her gift for next Christmas, more plastic ware! LOL