Another Month Gone, Another UBC Completed

Today is the 31st, the last day of October, it’s also the last day of the October Ultimate Blog Challenge. But the last day of every month will always be the hardest for me. It means another month has gone by without having Rich by my side. He was and still is my everything and 59 years is a long time being together and then just like that he’s gone.

Today is 7 months since my first and only love was called home on Easter morning, March 31st. I can still hear his last words as I came downstairs. It replays in my head over and over. We gave each other a good morning hug and kiss, said I love you to each other and Happy Easter but then Rich told me he didn’t have time to make my Easter card.

Every holiday he would make me a card, nothing fancy but they were from his heart, not Hallmark. Other days he would scratch a message on a piece of paper, a napkin or paper towel and add a rose to it. This was a note he wrote on Easter 2021 with the first rose of the season with it.

This is the year I’m missing everything we have done together, it’s a year of firsts without Rich on holidays, birthdays, going to church or just going to the store, we were together 24/7. Now it’s no more pictures together, no more spontaneous trips to the mountains in the middle of the night, no more I love you hugs and kisses for no reason. We would love to go to the ocean very early morning and what the sunrise. It was so peaceful at the very end of the beach were we walked down a little dimly lite path to get the our special spot. Now all I have are the beautiful memories we made together for 59 years.

Last night was a happy time and I know Rich is celebrating in heaven. He has been a Dodger fan since they were in Brooklyn and last night they won another World Series Championship. He always said, “Win or lose, I’m Dodger blue.” Well Babe this year they won for you!

As the October Ultimate Blog Challenge comes to an end I am so thankful for all my blogger friends that have shown so much love and compassion which has helped me and Lia get through this nightmare. Blogging is the one thing I love and Rich was the one who always reminded me when the UBC was about to start and I need to keep going for my sanity. The memories that I share on my blogs are keeping Rich’s memory alive.

I started this challenge on January 2016 and this October 2024 UBC is the 36th consecutive blog challenge I’ve completed. I have met so many wonderful blogger friends from not just the United States but all around the world! I call them all my extended family. I never tracked the number of blogs I’ve written until my blogger friend Tamara had a post about her numbers. I just checked and I have published 2322 blogs of mine and between mine and Lia’s we have posted a total of 2508 blogs. That’s a lot of blogs and I have enjoyed writing mine and helping Lia with hers.

My great-granddaughter and I have enjoyed reading and sharing your blogs and getting to know you more through them. We both want to send you a big thank you for helping us get to where we are. We love you all and see you back in January!

This is a poem I wrote a few years back for the ending of this great challenge and I want to thank Paul T. for keeping this challenge running so smoothly. At the beginning of this month I was scratching my head a bit trying to figure out the new set up but after a few days, I got it and it’s not as hard as I was making it out to be. I like the new concept and Lia and I will see you back in January for another UBC!!
Martha, you are a rock star and a north star. I love you and Lia. Keep rocking girl and I’ll try to keep up.
LOL Thanks Lily. Once I set a goal I like to try to stick with it. 2024 was an exceptional hard year but Rich was always my cheering squad for my blogs. I have to keep it up for him.
Congrats on completing the Ultimate Blog Challenge!
Thanks Amanda, on to 2025 challenge!
I’ve never had to go through what you have and I can’t imagine how difficult it is for you.
It was great getting to know you a little during this challenge. I look forward to continuing to follow you in the future.
Thanks Barb, Rich and I were together an entire lifetime and there were times I wasn’t sure I would make it. But God and my family held me together and I know Rich is watching over and guiding us. This was and still is like a nightmare.
The year of “firsts” are always the hardest! I am thinking of you with love as you navigate them!! What a beautiful lifetime of memories you have. Congratulations on your 36th challenge and all the posts you and Lia have written. Love you!
Thanks Jeanine, I’m so thankful for all the beautiful memories Rich and I made over the past 59 years. There is not a day that goes by where something different pops up, showing me he is still with us.
Congratulations on completing another UBC; your strength and dedication shine through in every post. Looking forward to reading more in January. Sending you and Lia love and support!
Thank you Jasmine, there were days I wasn’t sure I could make it but Rich was my biggest blog supporter and I know he was up there pushing me. Love him so much.
Beautiful, heartfelt blog post. I am so sorry for your loss. It’s a special gift to have had a special person at your side for 59 years.
The poem is sweet and very true. I don’t know how many blog posts I have written since my first UBC. I think that I’ve been doing this challenge since maybe 2015 so nine years? I agree about the relationships formed. This blogging challenge has given me friends who have become very dear to me. And watching Lia grow from a magical toddler who could crack an egg neatly to the young lady she is now has been pure joy. I love reading her stories, and I get really excited to see them on Fridays.
Thank you for being you, Martha. I am looking forward to our next UBC
hugs from your friend, alice
Thank you for your kind words Alice and I’m so glad we met through the UBC. I feel so connected to my blogger friends, they are more like family and I love all your blogs and drawings!
Keep going! You got this!
I’m trying Amanda! Love you.