AMA Day – What is that you Ask?

I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying, “A day late and a dollar short.” Well that’s me today, at least the part of a day late! Yesterday’s blog suggestion was to have an AMA day! What is that you ask? It’s the day you can ask me anything. Put your thinking cap on for something you want to ask and leave the question in the comment section below and I’ll do my best to answer it.
I’ve done this before and have received some cool questions, whether it be about my 50 plus years interior decorating business, my Mama’s Minkys blankets or just life in general. Maybe you have a question you want to ask Lia, she is always up to sharing answers about her baking, craft projects, gardening, her puppy or anything that pops in your head!
The fun part about this topic is I’ve received questions that I have been able to turn into a blog for another day. So besides asking me a questions, you may have your answer featured in my blog!

So get your thinking cap on, Lia and I can’t wait to see what questions you have to ask. We’re ready to answer them!
Awww, that baby picture! 🥰
It seems as if Lia was already thinking about a new recipe or how she could brighten somebody’s day.
I feel like I’ve been following you for such a long time that I know quite a lot. About how you and Rich met and got married. About Lia’s adventures.
But looking at baby Lia, here’s my question: do you believe everyone is born with a purpose? I mean, she clearly looked like lil Miss Sunshine from day one on?!
I’ve always said Lia was born smiling and very inquisitive, she was 5 days old in that picture Tamara! I definitely believe we are born for a purpose and as for Lia God sent her down to share love, compassion and smiles. I also believe her twin is watching down and guiding her along each day.
I don’t have any questions but I am very grateful that I found your blog through the Ultimate Blog Challenge. It’s been great to find and meet new friends!
I’m glad you found the UBC also! I don’t remember how I stumbled across it in January 2016 but so glad I did. I’ve met so many wonderful bloggers that have become like family! Welcome to my family Maria!
Our granddaughter is turning one and I would love Lia’s suggestions for a birthday gift!
Now this is a great question for Lia to answer in a blog Victoria! I’ll talk with her tomorrow and have her put her thinking cap on! One is such a fun age!
Hi Martha and Lia! Here’s my AMA: If you could have dinner with anyone of your choice (past or present), who would it be, why did you choose them, and what would you eat?
What a great question Jaime and thanks for asking! This will be a great blog topic so stay tuned for why I picked my grandmother and mother!
Martha, today is National Fresh Spinach Day. Do you ever cook with spinach? Also, see PM.
Rich LOVES spinach Kebba! I don’t get fancy with spinach but I do like to make a creamed sauce with spinach and I also add it to omelets when I have some on hand. I think I’ll make some creamed spinach soon and share my recipe. Thanks for the great question.
What is your favorite kind of music and what is Lia’s favorite kind of music? Do you have any favorite performers that you like listening to best?
Oh this is easy Alice! Lia and I (plus Rich too) love Bluegrass or Country! When were traveling, she flips on the Bluegrass channel and sings at the top of her lungs! That is off course when mommy’s not with us. Her music changes to a bit more American Rapper, Kid Cudi, when mommy and Lia are out on their own! LOL Our favorite performers are the Alabama Band, they started out in Myrtle Beach playing for tips way back in the late 70’s.
Hi Martha, Where do you find the time and energy to do all the blogging and other things you do in a day? Do you ever sleep? oops, maybe that is three questions.
Well Doug, I secretly add 6 hours to each day! LOL But I’m the type of person that has to keep busy, I just can’t sit still. I’m also always looking for blog topics and sometimes thye appear while we’re on the road or Lia and I are baking. I also get a lot of writing done between 10pm – 2am since I don’t need much sleep. After all I’m only 73 and that’s too young to just sit around and waste the day! Thanks for visiting and blog on!
What are so of the best ways to get your work out there? Not only do I write but I do cross stitch and now felting. Any tips?
I love seeing your craft projects Amanda! You could maybe start a Facebook page just for your crafts and people might see them more. I know some sell crafts on Etsy but I don’t know much about it.