A to Z Love and Laughter

Are you ready for some A to Z Love and Laughter? We are on Day 12 of the A to Z challenge and since Lia loves to share her love and laughter we figured there are no better “L” words!

I met my now hubby on Christmas Day 1965 when I was 16 years old and a junior in high school. You could say it was love at first sight for both of us. After I graduated from high school we were married on July 29, 1967. Back in December 2015 I wrote a blog about how we met, got married and raised our family. That was over 55 years ago!!! Probably longer than many of my blogger friends are old! http://themarthareview.com/true-love-is-forever-strong/

Fast forward to August 23, 2018 when Lia was born and from the day she was born she has spread love just from her sweet smile. She is compassionate and full of laughter and sunshine, sharing it all with everyone who passes her. If you follow me on Facebook you will see I don’t share negative posts, there are too many out there but you will see Lia sharing her funny faces and bringing smiles to all those that see her.

So today I’m keeping my blog light and full of A to Z Love and Laughter with some pictures of Lia from the past and present.

When Lia shares her love and laughter it brings joy to so many. What the world needs now is love, sweet love so I’m sharing a song sung by Jackie DeShannon

CREDIT: You Tube magnalink600

I hope our A to Z Love and Laughter blog made you smile and gave you a good start to the week!


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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

6 Discussion to this post

  1. Lia is what is called “a happy child.” Her smile is contagious!

  2. Always love blogs with smiling faces

  3. Amanda Gene says:

    Such a great post. Have a great day.

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