4 Things About Nails

Today is Day 4 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge and I’m sorta taking the suggested topic of writing about Things that come in Fours. However my topic is 4 Things About Nails!
#1 – Did you know if you drop something heavy on your big toe, it can take over a year for your blue nail to grow out? I know this because March 2018, we were moving our wooden picnic table and it dropped on my toe right where the nail and the toe meet. The blue nail is finally just about gone after 13 months!
#2 – Did you know if you run a sewing machine needle through your finger, the needle would be okay to leave in because it’s metal but thread is a foreign object and needs to be removed? Way back around the mid 1980’s I was sewing a wedding gown when the sewing machine needle went through my finger, not once, not twice, but THREE times! I was using my industrial machine which is super fast and by the time I realized I was stitching my finger, I had the needle and thread stitched all the way through numerous times. On a good note, I didn’t get any blood on the white wedding gown! My daughter was getting ready for school so she drove me to the hospital where I needed surgery to remove the thread. The doctor told me if it was just the needle it would be fine, but if the thread was left in my finger it would cause an infection. I survived stitching through my finger and of course went on and did it numerous times, just a hazard of the job!
#3 – Did you know that many people bite their nails and even the cuticials because of stress and anxiety? For years my granddaughter and grandson would bite them almost until they bled. Once they got out of a bad environment, they stopped. Our granddaughter has beautiful nails now and our grandson is working on his nails and cuticles. I’m so happy that both are working on great nails.
#4 – Did you know fingernails grow faster than toenails? They grow about 2.5 millimeters each month compared to 1 millimeter a month for toenails. The slowest growing fingernail is your thumb.
Now tell me, did you think I was going to write about nails that you use for building or did you hit the nail on the head and know I was going to write about fingernails and toenails? You never know what I will write about because I never know until I start typing!
If you want to read about 4 Money Saving Tips, I wrote this blog in January.
Hi Martha, This was such a delightful read. I’m so sorry for all the hurt that you went through. But as I read your post, it reminded of a time when my husband and I were planning to enjoy a romantic interlude up on the roof of the building where we live. It was summer time and we were feeling frisky, excited to be together. As the gentleman my husband is, he walked up the stairs ahead of me with the intention of opening the roof door. As he took his first step and landed squarely on his foot, he let out a yell that I’ve never heard before. He had stepped right on a rusty nail that was on the ground. Naturally that was the end of our plans and we ended up in the hospital emergency room that night.
OMG, I feel the pain in your hubby’s foot Andrea! Isn’t it cool when ready a blog, it brings up memories? That could be a blog topic for you! Thanks for visiting Andrea and sharing your memory.
Nope, you got me. I wondered how you would be able to come up with 4 interesting thing about the nails you hammer in, not about the ones on your hands and feet. Martha, I am glad your nails survived! I didn’t know any of those facts. So weird that we can handle metal but not a piece of thread. I’m glad the wedding dress was okay!
LOL leave it to me to come up with an “I gotcha” topic Jeanine! I actually didn’t plan to post the woodworking nails until my blog was written. You know me, I’m always in for a laugh!
I had no idea what kind of nails you’d be writing about, but I knew it would be interesting. I can attest to the big toenail taking over a year to heal. Who would’ve thought? Enjoyed your facts about nails.
I thought it was a way to make my readers wonder! It’s amazing that a toenail takes that long to grow out but I have mine to prove it! Thanks for stopping by.
you are good at nailing it every single time 🙂 and that last photo of the 50th anniversary is simply beautiful
I like that Vidya, “good at nailing it”! Thanks for visiting!
She nailed it
That I did Rich! Thanks for stopping by!
For want of a nail…
A nail is a nail Roy! Thanks for visiting.